MMS requires high ethical standards from everyone
who acts on behalf of our companies. You must follow
applicable laws and regulations and carry out your
duties in accordance with the requirements and
standards applicable, and shall not assist in any
breach of laws by our business associates. MMS
expects you to treat everyone you meet, in your work
or work related activities, with courtesy and
respect. You must refrain from any form of
harassment, discrimination or other behavior that
colleagues or business associates may regard as
threatening or humiliating.
Protection of MMS’s property and assets
MMS assets may be of considerable value – whether
financial or physical assets or intellectual
property - and are intended to be used only to
advance MMS business purposes and goals. You must
utilize these assets in responsible ways. You must
protect MMS’s property and assets against
loss, damage or abuse. The use of MMS’s time,
materials, financial assets or facilities for
purposes not directly related to MMS’s business is
prohibited without authorization from a responsible
MMS representative. The same applies to the removal
or borrowing of MMS assets without permission.
Confidentiality is to prevent undesirable persons
from gaining access to information that may damage
MMS’s business or reputation. This duty shall also
protect individuals’ privacy and integrity. Careful
consideration should therefore be given to how,
where and with whom MMS related matters are
discussed. Information classified as “internal” must
not be disclosed to outsiders. This also applies to
sensitive information related to security,
individuals, commercial, technical or contractual
matters, except when disclosure is authorized or
required by law. The duty of confidentiality
continues to apply after termination of employment
or after an assignment has been completed. All
information other than general business knowledge
and general work experience that becomes known to
the individual shall be regarded as confidential and
treated as such.
The prohibition against corruption applies for all
individuals acting on MMS’s behalf. In case of
violations, the company may be fined and individuals
may be fined and/or imprisoned. If you believe that
your own or the lives or health of others may be in
danger, making a payment is not a violation of this
prohibition. Payments must be correctly described in
the accounts and reported to the manager of the
affected MMS company.
Gifts, hospitality and expenses
You must not, directly or indirectly, accept gifts
except for promotional items of minimal value. Other
gifts may be accepted in situations where it would
clearly give offence to refuse, in which case the
gift must be handed over to MMS and will be regarded
as company property. Hospitality such as social
events, meals or entertainment may be accepted if
there is a clear business reason. The cost of any
hospitality must be kept within reasonable limits.
Travel, accommodation and other expenses for
yourself in connection with such hospitality must
always be paid by MMS The above principles also
apply in the reverse direction, so that no one
acting on behalf of MMS may, in their dealings with
customers, suppliers and other parties, offer or
agree to pay for gifts, hospitality or other
expenses that would violate these principles.
Conflict of interest
You must always act in proper manner and not give
companies, organizations or individuals improper
advantages. You must not become involved in
relations that could give rise to questions or
conflict with MMS’s interest or could in any way
have a negative effect on your commercial abilities
or judgement. You must not work on or deal with any
matter in which yourself, your spouse, partner,
close relative, or any other person with whom you
have close relations, has a direct or indirect
financial interest. Nor may you work on or deal with
any matter where there are other circumstances that
might undermine trust in your impartiality or
integrity. You must not use MMS’s property or
information acquired through your position or office
in MMS for personal advantage or for the purpose of
competing with MMS. Suspicion of a potential
conflict of interest should be reported to your
Directorships, employment or other assignments
As a MMS employee you must not engage in other paid
directorships, employment or assignments of any
significance outside MMS except by agreement with
MMS. Should a conflict of interest arise, or if your
ability to perform your duties or fulfil your
obligations to MMS is compromised, such approval
will not be granted, or will be withdrawn.
Information and IT systems
Your use of information, IT systems and, in
particular, internet services must be governed by
the needs of the business and not by personal
Purchase of sexual services
Purchase of sexual services may support human
trafficking. Human trafficking is illegal and a
violation of human rights. You must refrain from
buying sexual services when on assignments or
business trips for MMS.
MMS is a drug free workplace. Accordingly, it is not
permitted to be under the influence of intoxicating
substances, including alcohol, while at work for
MMS. Limited amounts of alcohol may, however, be
served when the local custom and occasion make it
appropriate to do so, provided that the consumption
will not be combined with operating machinery,
driving or any other operation that is incompatible
with the use of alcohol. No one should use, or
encourage others to use, intoxicants in a manner
that can place the user, MMS or any of its business
associates in an unfavorable light.